joi, 11 noiembrie 2010

Our Beginning

Sometimes I sit and think, we can not control things that happen to us than we can take decisions viata.Nu, mostly under the impetus of the moment and the consequences are for viata.I m convinced that most people who read this blog will agree with me.In the days after our meeting, we met for coffee. And how arrogant I thought at first, was silent on so far. I sat and watched for hours talking about my work, my colleagues, my work and my colleagues. In our first weekend together, I thought that since it tells me that he intended to have a lasting relationship, we considered it would be appropriate to see how this relationship will be.Considering that its good to get this straight from the beginning each with what were doing, I explained that the way to market obligations are both parti.After I ve loaded the cart I got home where I cooked something food-and he had to wash dishes. Because in any relationship generally leads to breakups because I m convinced that many complaints from households in the two leading to arguments between partners. I do not like something like that.
Soon after these small experiments, we moved together. This should make it because all couples living together is the best test of a separation before marriage and the risks decrease significantly. In all this time you can find out what he likes and what he likes and not the reverse also . As the wheels started a new clock which get blocked because they are new and dull after a while one after another, becoming a mechanism for resilient unbeatable.

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