sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010

Wedding Traditions 5

Yesterday I promised to return with details regarding the wedding customs of my country.There are some rural areas, where the practice of ritual dance, and now the sheets, the day after the wedding night, when the groom see the bride was a virgin. If the groom see the bride was not virgin on their wedding night, and the village looks white sheet, then the groom's parents are walking through the village with a cart, to the amusement of all. Nowadays, the groom will not leave the sheet in the goal, but the world is still big fun-laws Walking cart. If large-laws will not, then I walked the couple sponsors.After these rituals Funny, everyone is invited high-laws house at a table, called offal soup. Weight is not just in this dish, consisting of many ways besides the soup itself.Wedding gifts, grooms get married when the municipality. In general, throwing a party after officiating at the wedding hall and another party.That's why many couples prefer to make all parties on or a few days or months, weeks or even years difference between them.Also, young people receive the wedding gift money. Do not give gifts.Money is collected in a beautifully decorated box and envelopes are dual use, because riders are also on the tables. At the end of the wedding, or when the wedding guests decide to leave money in an envelope and put the envelope in the box. The custom is based on the financial support of the young couple at the beginning.In rural areas has kept the calling custom gift. That is one of the band shouting how much money each family has. But this usually does not exist in cities, is considered shameful.
In rural areas has kept the calling custom gift. That is one of the band shouting how much money each family has. But this usually does not exist in cities, is considered shameful.

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