sâmbătă, 20 noiembrie 2010


 I used to, every weekend I will reveal some of the strangest wedding traditions. Today I want to tell Understanding a wedding tarditie Maramures. It is usual when the morning of the wedding, big hang-laws of such cells carrying a decorated Christmas tree. So they announced the community that they will marry his son.All the neighbors are starting to come and put on spending, even though they will not attend the wedding itself.
Before leaving the groom's godparents, playing a dance in front of the house, a sign of joy to all guests attending.When     the groom reaches the bride's house along with the sponsors, before leaving the church the bride's cake is broken, meaning a round bread is broken over her head and then is divided unmarried girls, have some luck to the bride.In the South, there is another tradition. Thus, young people are seen to like and agree to marry. Then boy steals girl from her parents' house and takes her to his home. Fri boy's parents the next day the girl's parents and ask her hand and bringing with them a gold ring.All areas in the south there is the custom at the exit of the bride to the church kick a pot filled with water and flowers.
*** Do not miss tomorrow night after the wedding traditions!

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