joi, 25 noiembrie 2010

Painful Love

I was a student, I had a relationship that was not much, but it was. I'm not thinking about marriage. My life is divided between college and clubs in that period. It was a busy but relaxing time, then a lawyer's dream to become famous, I dream that I've done but unfortunately I dropped it. That's me! If I reach to get to get bored and look for another. I'm sure you've felt it.But I wanted to tell you about it. I had a pretty fire college roommate, who was a friend for many years with an extraordinarily good guy, a great soul and a true friend. But it was about uratel and her parents did not think that it is suitable for their daughter, especially since neither financially he does not excel. nevertheless, I covered up by her parents, because I went out in April anyway and we felt good, and he was a great guy.One sunny day, her mother presented else. An older guy than her, and even pretty funny.My boyfriend then told me clearly and clear that it does not hate the individual. I said we have no right to meddle, because no new we would have liked someone to interfere in our lives.Soon he found the boy good boy nice and broke my colleague.There followed a long period when I called my boyfriend and I just love witnessing declarative frmuselului not convinced us.At one point the two of them went to her house in the mountains. Me and my boyfriend stayed at home because I had some exams and not really have money anyway. Saturday went much like that of the other. I left the club at 4 am and we slept. Around 8 o'clock my phone rang. It was pretty desperate to announce we had an accident, as my colleague had burns on 50% of his body and was in a very bad state.
Visiting a hospital I learned that she had fallen in the bathroom and he had heard and stayed all night glued to the hot water heater.When my boyfriend did not believe one iota of what we were told.He was firmly convinced that there was a fight between them, they hit her pretty left her unconscious near the boiler, then slept in the morning and saw what happened when he faked an accident.I would have agreed with my boyfriend, but when I arrived at the hospital, she says out loud that they two will marry and that nothing of what we assumed it was not really like to be ...... was?

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