joi, 18 noiembrie 2010


01.If the mountain comes to you, and you're not Muhammad .... FLEE !!!!.... is landslide.
02.A woman who tells you the real age is too young to have anything to lose or too old to have something to gain from it.
03.Only when others envy you realize your own value.
04.People are like wines. With time, or are getting better and better, or turn into vinegar.
05.Work has never killed anyone ...... but why take a risk?
06.It is important to win ... it is important to make the other lose.
07.WHEN YOU NEED SOMEONE mad 42 frowning muscles YOU, YES 'you only need four spread out the hand and kick him over the eye!
08.Always love was considered more important than money. But no one wondered how much 1 kg of condoms.
09.Nobody is smart enough to be able to convince a fool that is stupid.
10.As the rule is more strict with his head so that it is designed poorly.

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