marți, 16 noiembrie 2010

Courses part 2

Module III
1. Basics: No conquest of modern technology I can not live up to the man2. Vocabulary I: The definition of the word "YES." Correction exercise "Ready?"3. Vocabulary II: Definition of "5 Minutes"
4. Sociology: Football is not a sport but a religion.5. As a citizen and moral I: Discussion on the theme of football to men6. As a citizen and moral II: Do not meddle in these discussions never.
7. How to avoid unnecessary questions (eg ". You love me?", "I am beautiful?", "I have something special?")8. Daily Facts: Women burp, group exercises.9. Daily Facts: Shaving (intensive course for brunettes) 
10. Shopping behavior: Visa, Definition of limits on the amount11. Shopping behavior: And I can carry crate of beer12. Why not welcome in our mother? (1000 case studies)

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