luni, 28 februarie 2011


Maybe you had or have each of you best friend. But I am sure that  we all tend to accept his best friend many bad things, and always  finding excuses. Tolerance that is often manifest in our expense and  then when we realize, it is generally too late.
In today's story is about two guys who met when they were both in elementary school. Coming from different ethnic groups, one was novel and the other was a gypsy, were chums from walking through the woods and to women walking together. They shared many things to know when in fact they're almost completely divided.
One day, the novel has announced that his friend is getting married and asked to be his best man. Things have evolved favorably, his wife suddenly appeared in the landscape was not an obstacle to  their relationship, but life is already changed - at least from a certainangle of view. Moments in which there were only two of them had become very rare
Appreciating the food cooked by his wife's friend, wishing to be interpreted as a compliment, good friend competed in blunders.Considering that, if it were a question, he would replace his friend  would share life with him. His wife hardly tasted the compliment but no friend has hardly enjoyed. He think has a great influence on  the two husbands, began to raise claims relating to the entourage of two, as if he had been part of their family.Wife friend was offended and angry and she asked her husband:Your boyfriend still put more into our lives? Can you believe that you are listening but I feel I have no time and no nonsense in his head!
It seems that something good attitude reached the ears of a friend who served in response to an attitude of both spouses and cad of the  worst examples of education.
Tut, appreciating wife, see how they show the true face?
Her husband, who also waited for perhaps a chain reaction replied: Who do you think put him in mind? Who do you think listen to whathe says? You think I give a damn what he says? He should haveknown that from the moment I got married, he stayed somewhere inmy past. If it is unable to accept that my life has changed, I now  understand that they are happy and support me, he's lost!
Surprised his wife exclaimed: Okay, but I knew that is your bestfriend!
No, he replied, my best friend is now in front of me.
Do not ever think that your best friend will envy, or that relations will not change when one of you will marry. Because when you marry, it's not only love but accept that the husband or wife to become your bestfriend. If things are not, do not step.

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