joi, 17 februarie 2011


In time, he began to no longer spend time in the area where was no meeting her risk. So for a while have not seen, but she continued to send messages and celebrate his birthday.
One cold winter day, he met half-life. He moved to her and after awhile they were married. They were like lovers and all the earthspins faster because of this. There is no cloud to clear sky no shadow or black clouds their lives, and he completely forgot the existence of that  girl who think there's was something in his life.
After 2 years when he married, in a rainy day in October, she found  his wife's profile on a social networking site profile, where they were loaded and pictures from their wedding. Taken out of his mind with anger, blinded by jealousy and lacking any rational element, grabthe phone and call him.

Not recognized the number, because it erased from the phone bookonce, and erased from the mind and person, he said.
  - Are you married, she suddenly screamed, why did not you call meand tell me? You broke my heart!
- But who is this? he asked confused.
There followed a long and endless verbose, in which she said she  dreamed of nights in a row to marry him as he had hoped that oneday the two of them will be together and have children and suddenly  when she  saw those photos and realized that everything was over.

- Please do not bother me, I'm a married man! Watch this numberand look on me! psus take him in the end, overwhelmed by its output.
He did not know in the sound quality and what guts it, to ask an account of his life, as long as they had never fixed anything.

But for her, things did not stop there!

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