luni, 28 martie 2011


 Without being critical without any specialist or someone, but I  made ​​a tour through dating sites. I did it with curiosity and to see what is so called competition.I'm disappointed. I have no idea where they've found 1,000 tips foryour relationship? Or criteria by which you can find on their website, perfect match? They are more willing to understand the sites with adult content, advice and counseling than on time.
In general, from personal experience, I believe that good health is to maintain a couple of sincerity. Although not a mandatory criteria and innocent little lies are not taken into account. Each dreamed of the perfect relationship, perfect family, perfect wedding, but we must accept that dreaming of things missing.Entering in the background discussion will find out that they actually  sell a book, or offer online consultancy fee. But I am convinced that all sincerity cupluriele apply theory, marriage counselors would starve to death. However, what you do to a marriage counselor?She's on your mind tell your partner and he does the same thing.You wonder, what made ​​this time, marriage counselor? Nothing, justto hear it. At the twentieth session will tell you how fun it will cost and  also his view of solving the opposite problem. And his opinion is  generally the same - lack of communication as a couple!I'd be curious couples each year manages to reconcile a marriage counselor! Equally, I would like to know how many copies of bookX has even saved a marriage?
Maybe statistics is shot down and the global economic crisis.Some couples fall apart because of short ages, others face them together. I think ultimately, free will is the one who dictates. As for myself, I just relate the stories of those who love me and even my writing. Not wanting to upset anyone, do not use the name again,and when you should never real ones. I want this to protect the identity of those who write me and those involved in the story.Obviously not all stories are happy endings, but that's life!However, waiting for your letters and soon I will launch a contest of love confessions.

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