marți, 15 martie 2011

The Quarrel

My grandmother had a saying: Getting in front of the altar as I still  argue with your partner. You will wonder perhaps that is the logic?
Nothing more simple: every relationship has its ups and downs.Naturally, there are quarrels, which fortunately for all of us are still  arguing completed in sex and ... one of the highest quality.
The only condition is that arguments should not be an extreme  seriousness, and not to be irretrievably split. When you start an  argument, it is clear that you are angry for some reason ... which   obviously you think capital! Clearly, it is not! When the fight begins,each with different words and throwing accusations at each other. If you want to measure passion of a couple arguing as follow! It is said   that only when it's passion, so how do you fight and sex! There's nothing really that when real  that for whatever reason, feel likethere's no more certain it is clear .... you have a problem, you are not an ideal couple.
Argument between a couple has two beneficial roles, one that you  pour the second bag would be discontent and their followers that  sex is great .... and maybe, after you get back ... quarrel once!
Sure, the plate is reconciliation, not recommend anyone to quarrel  every day, because the possibility exists that these frequencies to  erode the relationship. Also advise not to do it in front of childrens... but until then, the job growth!

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