miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

Divorce 2

Certainly when you get in a situation of divorce, then you really can not do anything. You take the bag and just leave, ending a more than painful chapter of your life, leave behind many memories that you will certainly not give peace to much of the next period.It clings to you like a spider web. Memories, habits, all your photos ..... film rushes to the head like a herd of buffalo. It is hardly take it all over again. Pote you have no age and patience to pass more easily over such things. You're used to certain things and routine is our second nature. From yesterday until you angry to see the toothpaste tube tightly in half, now only remember when you find yourself crying.as yet out of this situation and how to muster emerged as you live?It's hard to say, if you do not pass through it. But solutions exist. In the first phase would be wise to see which friends you have.Because you have to say that there is no divorce, no separation of friends. So see who mattered in the old environment. It could have unpleasant surprises. Generally, people choose between the two and do not anything to appease them, the first thing that one out through your mouth is, "Well you missed it, was a jerk!"Obviously this does not help anything, but you must not upset.

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