marți, 30 noiembrie 2010

Divorce 1

Divorce is one of the most unpleasant life events have merged. In general when it comes to this stage, rarely change something. First, that not only your life but also take an ugly twist to children. The stages are difficult because they can accommodate, and will not see every day parents, that parents no longer love or as one of he found someone else. of posture and other things to see as ugly.However, before taking such a painful decision, it is better to try a reconciliation .... you never know. But do not for the sake of children.Although it is statistically speaking, the most common compromise is better to think that one day children will leave the nest and you'll come to regret making this decision.So do not delay the sake of the children decide, otherwise you get in a situation of two octogenarian who went to a lawyer to divortete and asked him how old he is married. They said that of about 60.Ok but how many years will not understand? For the last 50 years.And why have not divorced yet? We expect children to die so you do not suffer as a divorce.
Obviously that's a little macabre joke ... but surely you understand the substrate.

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