joi, 21 aprilie 2011

1970 - Part 3

And the day came the big party. All the neighbors came very cheerful and put on the jokes. In the crowd that invaded her house, she sees him too. Surprised, as it approaches an old  acquaintance. Know of a stupor that he divorced, moved with his parents and so they were again neighbors. And you can change a few words, he invited her to ride the next day. The third day he invited her to a movie, the fourth day in a restaurant. He was already a teacher and earn very well.
After about six months of friendly meetings in a summer day, she  was overwhelmed by the work of the office, then the telephone rings. It was he who was waiting at the door smiling.
"What's the occasion?" - He surprised her.
"I came to see if it suits you!" he said while searching through his  pockets. In a later found two rings and puts a finger on them.
She was clearly surprised. Do not understand what is happening.
"Look what I say,"he said, let's get married and see if it works, if not then divorce! No offense and no hard feelings! What you say? "
Amused by the way the proposal was made​​, she said yes! Since  then there have been 32 years ......

And these were the only memories that came in his head after 32  years of love and passion, when dressed in black and furious  stepping into trouble, to the tomb.
All come and be in front of a video from their wedding until his death, much too early.

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