marți, 8 martie 2011

RUN AWAY- Part 3

Already a year and half while living a new love story, when he reunited  with an old friend. Is happy as a man sees it and so on. Obviously he was very surprised that no longer knew who he was married, in the company of another man who did not know.
Before I got to put it in the theme, and it launched the question -Where is your husband?
Husband? What husband? jumped as her boyfriend burned.
Too late. He must tell the truth. Lover never understood why she had to lie? At the moment did not see any repercussions, and shesuspected that was passed over the subject. He was firmly  convinced that love heals all wounds, including those caused by lies,no matter how big they are.
Since then never open them again the subject of marriage. Her boyfriend has not asked her anything, but one day he came to meether hand with another girl, whom he introduced her as his girlfriend.They froze the blood in the veins, could not believe came her eyes .
When asked, surprised himself what was happening and what is with this charade?
There's no charade! As you lied to me you were married, so I lied to you that I made another girlfriend! Like this? It's a super girl and.... it's not a liar!

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