duminică, 20 februarie 2011


It had been several months since she had called him and he had hadthat conversation, in which he explained that they were no longer whatto say. She did not want to hear but not through the head and not passed to stop him. The fact that he married someone else, a fact  proven by the pictures she saw, did not bring more peace.
Her obsession had become sickly. It could not be reconciled with the idea that he belonged to another now.

She believes, without any basis in fact, he hid his real feelings, and  his marriage was a joke. In her mind was born the idea that he loved,but not telling him. He was so convinced, that the search again on the  messenger, though he forbade her any contact form.
But he had bad luck! Although he knew and was firmly convinced that  talking to him actually speaking with his wife. He said everything and   prayed to help him escape this persecution, so she logged on with  his messenger id to be able to solve the problem.
The discussion was extensive.

Wife: I was married four years ago, you learned last year when, in fact  you have and phoned! Is this correct here?
She: I call you  up last year as far as I know, I have sent messages of  all holidays, birthday or the name .....
Wife: Oh, yes you have not signed
She: and do not you answer me either ...
Wife: No. You were not mean and will not mean anything to me.You were not there in my life!

Removed from the minds of such statements, she puts her hand on  the phone again to call him on it .... to hear his voice. But the two  husbands were understood between them, and when he said he knew well what was going to tell him.
Then she told him she will not seek it again. But .... how long this  EVER?

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